Friday, May 3, 2013

Lists of stuff

3 things I know to be true:

  1. The LDS religion
  2. Exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy and happy people don't kill their husbands. 
  3. Chelsea Nicole Barbara Ethel Lawrence Davis is #1

8 objects I can't live without:

  1. toothbrush/toothpaste
  2. chocolate 
  3. ice cream
  4. chocolate ice cream
  5. Family/Friends
  6. music/movies
  7. soccer ball 
  8. lots and lots of food

9things I should have learned by now:

  1. Taking short-cuts only damages oneself
  2. You don't need two slices of chocolate cake to be happy. Just one should suffice. 
  3. how to speed read
  4. Talking to Teachers helps...a lot
  5. Hard work won't kill you
  6. Just thinking something won't make it come true
  7. Positivity is the key to success! 
  8. Too much ice cream makes you fat, and too much talk about ice cream makes you hungry 
  9. The best experiences come outside of my comfort zone

3 of my greatest fears:

  1. failure
  2. disappointing the people I care about
  3. I am claustrophobic

7 things, places, people, etc. that make me the most happy?

  1. Ice cream!!!!!!
  2. Accomplishing something great after long, hard effort
  3. Chocolate
  4. Ma Mifa 
  5. Yosemite National Park
  6. California 
  7. The hobbit/ LOTR

7 places I will visit before I die:

  1. New Zealand
  2. The Louvre
  3. Sistine Chapel
  4. Switzerland
  5. Every LDS Temple
  6. Italy
  7. Africa

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